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Orcas, also known as “ killer whales” are known by Thier black and white patterning. Orcas are a toothed whale belonging to the dolphin family of which is the largest member. It is belonging to the genus “ Orcinus. Orcas also feed on sharks in which sharks avoid orcas in the wild.
Length is about 20-26 feet for males, and females 16-23 feet. Thier mass is about 6,680 -8,800 lbs. speed is about 35 mph. Thier bite force is around 19,000 psi. They feed on fish, walruses, seals, squids, penguins, sea turtles, sharks, rays and other kinds of whales. Orcinus orca means “ kingdom of the dead”. , translated from Latin. Life span in the wild is 50-80 years for females and 29-60 years for males. Classification : Orcinus.
Status: vunurable