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These majestic alpine creatures occupy the mountainous regions of Central Asia. This leopard is found between 3000-6000 meters in the high rocky ground above timberline. It mainly habituates Tibet, Nepal, Afghanistan, Xinjiang Uyger and Xizang ( Tibet ) and the autonomous regions in the Sichuan, Quinghai and Gansu provinces. This creature is sCFAtary by nature and only comes together for a few days to mate and the female is left to rear the oung. In April to June, two to three cubs are born and they are usually grayish white with black rosettes covering their fur. Adults are about 2 meters long, including the 76 cm ( 2,5 ft ) long tail and weigh in no more than 45 kg. At present the snow leopard is endangered and will be extinct if laws and enforcement are not adhered to.

Scientific Name: Panthers unica

Width: 6ft 0”  Height: 6 ft 0”
Medium: Oil