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Catamount Stare (Felis concolor)

The mountain lion, also known as the puma,cougar and catamount, inhabits the Rocky Moutains and high altitude terrain. The subspecies of the puma, Florida panther which numbers are less than 50, inhabits the southern regions of the United States, mainly the Florida Keys, and is extremly endangered. The puma, however, is stable throughout its range, but, because of human encroachment and habitat destruction, its numbers are being reduced. The puma prefers alpine and sub-alpine areas with lots of caves and outcroppings. SCFAtary by nature, they come together to mate, and then the female is left to rear the young which are born in the early spring. Cubs are usually weaned at one year.

Scientific Name: Puma concolor

Width: 18 Inches  Height: 24 Inches
Medium: Watercolor, Pencil, Pen, Ink, Airbrush