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Seven centuries before Columbus around the Atlantic, an army of twelve thousand Moslems from North America mounted on their fiery part-Arabian Libyan Barbs invaded and conquered Spain. The African horses smaller - quicker and surer footed than the ponderous Norse Dunes of the defenders - enabled the invading forces to outride their opponents proved the victory that resulted in several hundred years of Moorish rule. The wild horses have become viewed as a symbol of importance and power. Some due to encroachment, these wild mustangs started to seek higher grounds for safety. Many horses were rounded up or shot and most of the last remaining horses remain in the Pryor Mountain Range in Wyoming and Montana border. Many have been rounded up to suit riders of the American west. In spite of the 1971 Federal law, the Bureau of Land Management had declared some of the last remaining horses in " excess" and have become sort of a scape-goat that have been blamed for many problems on the open range. Every year the round-ups continue and are a vivid reminder of the saga of the American West. Such remains a saga of the decline of the last of the wild Mustangs in the American West. Status is considered endangered in their former ranges.

Width: 38 Inches  Height: 28 Inches
Medium: Oil