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The Northern Shoveler is called a "dabbling duck". One of its main characteristics is the long bill that it possesses which is an adaptation that it has for its use in dabbling. The Northern Shoveler is closely related to the Blue Winged Teal. Like other surface feeding ducks, their shovel like bill uses comb like structures on the edges of its bill much like a strainer. It skims a variety of small plants and animals off of the waters surface, but it also takes food from the bottom of ponds and lakes. Northern shovelers often nest near prairie wetlands or ponds. Within hours of their hatching, the chicks are led by the female to a nearby marsh. They are approximately 17-20 inches long with a large spatulate bill and a flattish head are distinctive of this duck. The males of this species have a green head, white breast and conspicuous chestnut sides. Females are drab brown and both sexes show a blue wing patch and a green speculum. They possess a low croak voice, chuckle or a quack. Their preferred habitat is shallow lakes and marshes. They breed from Alaska south and east to Saskatchewan and Manitoba, south to California, New Mexico and east to the Great Lakes region; also occasionally throughout the Northeast. The Northern Shovelers winters from Oregon and California, south to Texas and along the Atlantic Coast to New Jersey. The scientific name for the Northern Shoveler is Anas clypeata. Other common names are the broad billed, scooper, and shovel bill as well as the spoonbill.